The Gesher Uniform is available from Lana Cotone. Please ring 0845 222 0384 or email to speak to them directly.

Gesher School Uniform List

Please open an online account with Lana Cotone to purchase the Gesher School-specific items within your child’s school uniform. Alternative suppliers can be used for all other items if you so wish. Please note the items highlighted in bold are the mandatory uniform pieces, a combination of which must be worn to school (in line with Gesher’s Home and School Agreement). The uniform policy is not gender-specific, so children may wear either trousers or skorts.


Please note the items in bold are mandatory uniforms which must be worn to school (in line with Gesher’s Home and School Agreement).


  • GS fleece lined reversible jacket with logo (purple) OR GS blue baseball cap (we ask that children have at least one of these items to wear off-site on school excursions)
  • GS cotton mix V-neck jumper with logo (blue for primary/grey for secondary)
  • GS short sleeve polo shirt with logo (purple)
  • Grey pull-up trousers (may be purchased from any retailer)
  • Grey shorts (may be purchased from any retailer)
  • Grey skort (may be purchased from any retailer)
  • Grey tights (may be purchased from any retailer)
  • Lilac gingham school dress (may be purchased from any retailer following approval from the school office)

PE Kit

  • GS zip hoodie with logo (purple)
  • GS PE t-shirt with logo (blue)
  • GS Tracksuit bottoms with logo (grey)
  • Navy PE shorts (may be purchased from any retailer)


  • GS backpack with logo
  • GS baseball cap with logo (blue)
  • Short navy socks (3 pair) (may be purchased from any retailer)
  • Navy fleece gloves (may be purchased from any retailer)

Delivery Information

  • Free home delivery
  • Free school delivery – only available during term time
  • Refunds and exchanges policy detailed online


Location: 79 Harcourt Terrace, London, SW10 9JP (by appointment only)