Trustees and Governors are responsible for the general control and management of the school’s administration in accordance with the provisions set out in the memorandum and articles of association.
They are the accountable body for the performance of the school and as such, must:
i. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
ii. Hold the Senior Leadership to account for the educational performance of the school and the pupils and the performance management of staff;
iii. Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
Trustees and Governors delegate responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the school to the Co-Headteachers.
- Howard Zetter
- Michael Kutner
- Ali Durban
- Lee Portnoi
- Sarah Sultman
- Steven Daniels
Chair of Governors
Having worked in the retail, hospitality and banking sectors for over 20 years, Rama has run his own project management consultancy supporting schools and colleges for over 15 years. He is the Chair of Trustees of an academy trust of 20 primary schools and the Vice Chair of Trustees on a family board of 15 special schools and 7 college centres for young adults with SEND. He has over 10 years of governance experience and is a member of the NGA’s National Leaders of Governance Advisory Panel and a member of the DfE’s new London Regional Director’s Advisory Board. His passions are music, food and the company of good friends. Please contact the Chair of Governors here: [email protected]
Governor & Trustee
Ali is the co-founder of Gesher, and founder of the Gesher Assessment Centre. Ali's journey from exhausted SEND parent to co-founder of a thriving school community has transformed her into a ringleader for system-wide transformation. Ali currently chairs a SEND council for the Foundation of Education Development which is creating a 10-year plan and vision for UK education. Ali also sits on the Education Council for the Autism Centre of Excellence.RON BROWN
Ron is a senior professional and specialist in Adult and Children's Social Care, Health and SEND delivery, who has worked extensively in local government, not for profit organisations and commercial organisations. Originally qualifying as a social worker, followed by an MBA in Corporate Finance, Ron has over 30 years’ experience in the care sector where he has specialised in learning disability and autism. He has a strong track record of performance across a number of very challenging operating environments where he has achieved turnaround by targeting care quality and practice improvement alongside commerciality. He is currently Director of Care at HSN Care Ltd. Ron’s previous roles include Director of Services and Nominated Individual at Norwood, Head of Service (Integrated Learning Disability Service) at the London Borough of Hackney and Principal Consultant (Capita Procurement Solutions) Capita Ltd.PATRICIA TIWALADE-SOYEMI
Patricia has worked as an educator for over 20 years. She has had a successful career in teaching, first as a class teacher and later in senior leadership roles. She recently retired as Lead SEND Officer, working across three primary schools in a large mainstream Multi-Academy Trust. Patricia’s responsibilities included staff training and development, ensuring SEND provision met the needs of individual children, and that reasonable adjustments were planned for and implemented. Patricia developed an interest in SEND while working as an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) teacher, and that initial interest has become a passion. She holds professional qualifications in SEND and a Master’s degree in Education (Social Justice, Equity and Inclusion); she is now pursuing a doctorate in education. Patricia enjoys cooking and spending time with her family in her free time.JANE ROME
Jane Rome is Managing Director at Insight Strategy Limited, a retail management consultancy specialising in consumer and market research for the retail sector. The company also delivers strategic brand positioning and buying and merchandising training working with several HE institutions and well-known retail brands. Jane is a NED for a Promotional Marketing company where she mentors the senior management team and is also a mentor for the charity G2G and a judge for the Young Enterprise Scheme.
Governor & Trustee
Steven is a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. He spent virtually his entire career working as an investment manager. He spent over 20 years at Liverpool Victoria (LV=) where he ran the investment subsidiary for many years. He was a Director of the Group and was heavily involved in their mergers and acquisition activity. He retired from LV in 2010.He spent about a year consulting before he was hired to set up an investment management company for Tesco’s staff pension fund which had almost 100 people working in it by the time he retired (again) in 2021.He has been Chairman, Treasurer and Warden of Pinner Synagogue and was on the Investment and Burial Committees of the United Synagogue for many years. He was also a member of the Investment Committee of the Alzheimer’s Society for nine years.He is currently an Independent Member of the Investment Committee of St James’s Place and a non-executive director of Edge Future Capital, a venture capital investment management company.PER SIMONSSON
Per was born in Sweden and moved with his late wife and his children to the UK in 1985. He was working in the computer industry for 40 years until his retirement in 2012. During the last 10 years of his career he specialized in contract management in the Financial sector. Per has been involved with the Board of Management of his local synagogue for 30 years with various responsibilities including Health & Safety for approximately 3 years. He is also the Deputy National Chairman for a Cultural Society for elderly.DAVID SUMMERS
Associate Governor
After Newcastle University, David enjoyed a 30-year career with Shell in their UK and overseas petrochemical, coal, and oil businesses. In 1996, David established a consultancy, servicing oil and manufacturing companies in USA, UK, Africa, and the Indian Subcontinent. He was also a project funding advisor to Shell’s environmental UK CSR step-out. Simultaneously David became a board member on Harrow Council’s Strategic Partnership, Chair of Greener Harrow, Chair of the Community Engagement Forum, a member of the Project Development Board, and an adviser to Harrow Town Centre & Major Projects Panel. In 2004, David as de facto Facilities Manager of Pinner Synagogue, commenced a complete refurbishment and re-engineering of the safety and security infrastructure. He is a member of the Synagogue’s security management team. In 2014, David successfully managed a complex 3-year planning application process and the licensing / permission to establish an Eruv for the Pinner Jewish Community. He subsequently jointly project-managed its construction and remains involved. David also advises residents on planning applications which, on one occasion, included representing them in the High Court. He is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Energy Institute, Pinner Probus and B’nai B’rith UK.GRAHAM SHERLING
Associate Governor
Graham is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. He spent his whole career in practice becoming a partner in Gibson Appleby in 1982 and became a partner in Hillier Hopkins LLP when they merged in 1996 before leaving in 2010 and becoming a sole practitioner. He semi-retired in February 2023. Graham will be joining the Infrastructure to provide valuable expertise in financial aspects.PAUL HODGKINSON
Associate Governor

Mark works as an IT Consultant for a global engineering firm leading a team of 30, advising clients on all aspects of IT and technology in their new building design & construction projects, he has responsibility for all areas of running the business unit including HR, finance, and project delivery.JONATHAN MINDELL
Jonathan has had a career-long focus on improving customer engagement, with sector experience spanning financial & business services, healthcare, employee benefits and travel. He has worked for some of the world’s best regarded service organisations including Marks & Spencer, Prudential, Bupa and Citibank and, more recently, Mercer, the global human resources consultancy where he was Senior Partner. Having ‘escaped’ from the corporate world, Jonathan is currently the UK CEO for the global ‘virtual’ management consultancy, Internal Consulting Group (ICG). In addition he sits on the Corporate Advisory Board for Rainbow Trust, the charity that supports the families of seriously ill children; and lectures at Brunel University, where he delivers the Career Development module on the MBA programme. He was Vice Chairman and Chairman of Pinner United Synagogue for six years, during which time he was also Chairman of Governors for the synagogue nursery school. For the last 8 years he has been both a judge and Business Adviser for Young Enterprise.BRADLEY HARTSTONE
Parent Governor
Bradley is the Group Managing Director of a successful chain of luxury Jewellers and leads a team of over 40 employees. He over looks every aspect of the company, from the buying and manufacturing of goods to the smooth running of the retail stores. He is the Vice Chairman of the Hatton Garden BID, representing his fellow jewellers in the Hatton Garden area. Bradley is also a qualified building and quantity surveyor and started his professional career in this area before moving into the jewellery world.LEANDRI FERREIRA
Associate Governor
Leandri is a South African-trained Occupational Therapist with a special interest in Ayres Sensory Integration. Her experience in paediatrics ranges from community-based work, special needs and mainstream schools, running a private practice in South Africa as well as working in the private sector in the UK for the past 4 years. She is passionate about neurodiversity and a holistic approach; having worked closely alongside various professionals gaining invaluable knowledge not only within the medical and allied health fields but also within the education sector. Her current role as the Clinical Lead for the Gesher Assessment Centre allows her to support families and children in their understanding of their child’s difficulties and to view the outcome of assessment in a positive and empowering manner.NIGEL ROSE
Parent Governor
Nigel is part of Gesher’s Parent Teacher Community (PTC) and a lawyer with over 20 years of corporate and commercial experience. He is called upon to advise the boards of both listed and private companies, to provide clear, concise, and timely advice on matters of corporate and administrative governance. He provides advice to sub-committees, such as finance, to ensure members are accountable, follow procedures and act in the best interests of the companies they serve.Committees
Gesher School GB Committees_Sep24
Governor Constitution
Gesher School GB Constitution_Sep24
Governor Attendance Information
Gesher- FGB meeting attendance 2023-2024