To crystallise what our school is about, members of the Gesher community and friends and supporters from our wider community reflected on who we are and what we wish Gesher School to achieve over the coming years.
The result of dozens of conversations led to our Gesher blueprint, a document that captures our ambitions and core design principles. Our blueprint is like a compass: it guides all our conversations, inspires our teaching and learning, and enables us to focus our quality-assurance processes sharply. If what we do helps us turn our blueprint into reality which all of us can be proud of, then we’re on the right track. And we can reassess our practices and reshift our focus if it doesn’t.
Focusing on all areas of school life – including the way we work as a community, how we wish to engage with our neighbours, how we want to develop partnerships with employers, as well as, for instance, how we wish to use technology and space during ito support our young people’s learning – the blueprint will be used as a platform upon which we develop all aspects of what happens throughout the year.