In line with our Blueprint, we believe that every young person should be ‘profoundly well-known’ and, as such, that their learning should be personalised and informed by their passions and interests.

To support our young people, a trans-disciplinary approach is used. This means our teachers, therapists, teaching assistants, parents, and carers work closely together. This ensures that each young person has an individually tailored provision of care throughout their school day. The learning team commits to equally and continually discussing the needs of each young person and providing the most effective education and therapeutic model of practice. Furthermore, the therapy team works alongside classroom teachers to provide each young person with the appropriate equipment, environment and provision.

Our curriculum is rooted in Project-Based Learning approaches. This means that our young people are supported to engage in rigorous and authentic learning experiences, thus connecting them to the world beyond our school’s gates. Our teaching team designs the learning and focuses on developing engaging projects that develop our young people’s sense of agency and their ability to collaborate constructively and encourage collective achievement.

PBL Values

Our teachers design projects that consider the following values:

Authentic Learning

“Project-Based Learning is a pedagogical approach where students work with developing solutions and creating products that address a real-world problem, challenge or question. Through this process, students must collaborate to use knowledge, skills and feedback to improve their work. Projects (products+process) are presented to an authentic audience at an exhibition. Students document their work in a portfolio and formally reflect on their learning during the project and at the end. Projects combine the head, hands and heart while engaging students in authentic and meaningful work. Students do work that matters.”

 Loni Bergqvist, Imagine If

Below is a graphic that showcases the lifecycle of a project. This authentic learning model ensures that:

  • All learners can be empowered.
  • That students are learning lifelong skills.
  • That interests and passions are integrated into learning.
  • That young people are prepared for the world beyond school.
  • Learning is a combination of skills and rigorous knowledge.
  • That students are prepared for a world that works in projects.



What is Project-Based Learning?