This term, students embarked on a reflective journey in which they identified whether life is fair and what equalities they may face, as well as personal triggers and how to overcome them. This project linked to the school’s R.E.A.C.H goals, and emphasised the importance of Respect, Engagement, Acceptance, Care and Honour to those around us. Through this project, we aimed to teach students how to communicate their needs in a situation they may feel is unfair and learn to build resilience. Students explored Animal Farm and looked at writing narratives with a similar theme. They also considered things that are enjoyable and calming to them, to help them get to a regulated state when needed. Students were able to apply their knowledge of plot mountains as part of narrative writing in English, to make an emotional plot mountain models. Students also explored mental health and wellbeing careers to better understand people in the working world whom they can turn to for support as they progress beyond Gesher. In Art, students created self-portraits inspired by the artist Frida Kahlo. For their exhibition, students created a gallery displaying their portraits and plot mountains.

Teacher’s Reflections

“This project was a lovely one to start with in the new year. It is crucial for our students to reflect on what they find challenging in the world and how to navigate their emotions in the world. Students were able to apply their knowledge about Frida Kahlo and her life in order to make their own portraits. They demonstrated unique and creative skills in making their plot mountains as some used clay and some used LEGO. The tools they established throughout this project are something that they can stay with them throughout their lives.”

– Bethany Rentall

Students’ Reflections

“I learned about mental health and emotions.” – Ivy

“I felt really happy with my finished product and was very proud of my work.” – Jack

“The most memorable part of my project was seeing the final product.” – Yitzi

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