This term Tamar and Chitah will be looking at space and how our personalities can be reflected within a personalised planet! Students will be creating their planets and will be writing adverts to persuade others to visit. In life skills, we will be exploring astronauts and what they need to survive in space and creating our very own space food. We will also be writing about influential people in Science and how their visions have influenced the world around us. We will also be exploring people in Science during our careers week and interviewing people in a range of different careers. Finally, we will be designing our very own animation all about space and our planets. Students will learn how to use editing software and animation software to make their ideas come to life and create their very own short pieces.

Teacher’s Reflections

“I really enjoyed this project with the Year 6s as it was very much something they were already interested in. I’m very lucky to have a mixture of students who are interested in either different forms of transport (rockets included!) or art – making this project something I knew they would love. They particularly enjoyed creating their stop-motion videos and learning how to reflect on them to make their work even better. They were able to develop their editing skills, design their own space-themed stories and create storyboards online. I really liked how the project became very technology-based and how the students were able to improve and develop new skills to create their final pieces. When doing the student reflection I spoke with one of the students and he suggested creating 3D planets on the 3D printers which I think would be an amazing addition to add next time. I also think if I was to do the project again it would be good to get the students to write their stories up so they could be published into a script/book.”

– Emily Bacon

Students’ Reflections

“My favourite part of the project going on trips” – Zac

“My favourite part was working on the iPad and making the models” – Bobby

“I enjoyed making the planets and the aliens for my movie” – JJ

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