Our project was based on two themes: fairy tales and global warming! We looked at different fairy tales, thinking about the characters and their emotions and looking at alternative perspectives to traditional fairy tales. We then looked at global warming looking at what it is and the impact of climate change on our society, particularly focusing on local issues. We learnt about how we can participate in projects to protect our environment, linking the two themes and each child wrote a ‘not so’ fairy tale about global warming issues. The pupils then voted on Sami’s to turn into a performance. It should be a fun, thought-provoking project which we are really looking forward to!

Teacher’s Reflections

“I feel that all the children were able to explain the basic concepts of climate change. They could explain why it happens and what it affects. The children were all able to think of different ways we can save the planet and help prevent climate change even further. The fairy tale side was a good way to incorporate climate change and enable the children to think of tricky issues in a fun way. The play as the exhibition was a good way for the children to present the information and to use their work. They enjoyed performing for their parents. I think climate change was a hard concept for the children to understand but an interesting and challenging issue for many of the students.”

– Stephanie Sungtong

“It was one of my favourite projects to date, as the children were really engaged in the whole project and became really interested in the climate change aspect of it, I saw a change in how they have started to behave ie turning off the lights when we leave a room, asking if items can be recylced etc. They loved making their own stories, and using the technique of Talk for Writing was a great way to support them in this.”

– Leah Wright

Students’ Reflections

“My favourite part was reading fairy tale stories” – Avi

“I learned about different types of fairy tales and adventure stories.” – Jonny

“I favourite part was rehearsing the play and then performing in the play.” – Poppy

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