Over the Spring term, Keren looked at how we as a society have learned from our past. To zoom into this theme, we focused on the Black Death, comparing it to Covid-19, and what lessons we have learned from the past. Our English focus was persuasive writing and poetry; thus, we decided to use these skills to contribute to our ā€œHorrible Historiesā€ episode! We used our poetry skills to write our own rap battle between the black death and coronavirus, a rap which we were able to record a music video for at a professional studio. Then we used our knowledge of persuasive to create two adverts selling the cures to the black death and coronavirus, demonstrating the difference over the years. These all contributed to our episode and resulted in an amazing final product!

Teacher’s Reflections

“This Spring term, Keren embarked on a fascinating exploration of how society learns from historical events, focusing on the Black Death and its comparisons to the Covid-19 pandemic. This project allowed students to delve into historical analysis while honing their English skills, specifically in persuasive writing and poetry. The culmination of this project was the creation of a “Horrible Histories” episode, showcasing students’ creative and analytical talents. The final “Horrible Histories” episode was a testament to Keren’s hard work and creativity. Their contributions, from the rap battle to the persuasive adverts, played a significant role in the success of the project. The episode was not only informative but also entertaining, demonstrating a deep understanding of the subject matter and an ability to communicate it effectively to an audience. Keren’s work on this project was outstanding. They demonstrated a high level of engagement, skill development, and creativity, resulting in an impressive and impactful final product. Their ability to draw lessons from historical events and apply them to modern contexts, combined with their persuasive writing and poetry skills, made this project a significant success. Keren should be very proud of her achievements, and I look forward to seeing them continue to excel in future projects.”

- Aymane Hamidi

Students’ Reflections

ā€œI really enjoyed my mindfulness workshop and I was really performing for everyone. I used my script and I really enjoyed playing my classmates games and having all the parents here.ā€ – Moshe

“The rap was so much fun to do, especially the recording.ā€ – Josh

ā€œI learned a lot about the Black Death and persuasive techniques.ā€ – Daisy

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