Over the last 2 weeks we have been exploring space and space stories in Gefen class. We have looked at lots of wonderful stories and have had some fun messy play time where we dressed up as lots of different space characters!
Well done Gefen class for being amazing these past two weeks and always putting a smile on Miss Emily’s face!
This week we have been exploring Space and all of the different Planets! We have created out own Rockets and Astronauts and have looked at animals that live in the sea and those that live in water. We’ve also had some fabulous art sessions where we have learnt about Diwali and how to celebrate the Hindu New Year in style. Well done Gefen class!
These past few weeks we have been looking at three very special Jewish celebrations: Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot! This week we explored different materials used to make a sukkah and even made some out of Lego. We also made decorations for our Gesher Sukkah and some decorative lanterns to take home soon. We have also had a big push on reading and exploring new exciting books. Miss Emily loves reading and makes sure we have a story at the end of each day.
Chag Sameach, Miss Emily
Gefen class have had a wonderful start to the school year with Miss Emily, Mr Ricky, Miss Laura, Miss Claire and Miss Jess. We have spent time building up our friendships and getting to know our new adults. There have been lots of smiles and fun activities for us all to enjoy! We are looking forward to spending the rest of the year making memories with your fantastic children! Shana Tova, Miss Emily