It has been a busy and exciting week!
In Maths, we have been learning all about the different rules and tricks when it comes to addition and subtraction. Some children are working
on single digits numbers whilst others are focusing on two-digit numbers.
Consolidation and repetition continue to be of high importance for our children in developing their academic skill sets. It has been a pleasure to see all their determination and hard work!
We have been doing cross-curricula learning in Literacy and Topic. The children have looked at David Attenborough’s Adventures, discovering
and learning all about animals on planet earth. We have been looking at the world maps and identifying the seven continents in which Attenborough travelled to. The children expressed that they cannot wait to be able to travel again (post-Covid) and where they would like to go!
Everyone is busy working on their adventure story which has been really creative and so exciting!!
Last week we learnt all about ‘Knights and Castles’. We focused on constructive play which was explored through a historical and fairy-tale context. The children made castles, shields and swords from cardboard boxes.
Well done Chitah class for all participating and being such fantastic knights!

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