This term Gefen and Rimon took part in a fun project based on the body. They looked at the different parts of the body and their functions and also the importance of a healthy diet and fitness regime. They incorporated interactive and sensory activities and found out information which they turned into an information body journal. This included a breakdown of the body parts and functions, how to keep healthy, personalised affirmations, as well as healthy recipes and instructions on how to do a fitness video. They used their science skills to investigate body functions and used their ICT skills to present their findings. They also created fun, healthy recipes in life skills lessons, and in PE, learnt how to keep their bodies fit!

Teacher’s Reflections

“I really enjoyed this topic and so did the students. I feel they learned a lot about things that they can carry with them for life, including food group knowledge, having a balanced diet, and all about their own body and how it works. Students loved cooking and creating recipes taken from their everyday lives, and making a food diary over the holidays really allowed them to feel a part of the project. One thing I feel the students lacked was more of a creative side as there wasn’t much art or creativity involved – I would like to make sure they get in the next project.”

– Leah Wright

“I think this project went well. It was a fun project which involved many hands on/interactive resources. The children enjoyed learning about different sports from staff members and tested them out themselves. They showed a lot of interest and asked thoughtful questions. There was a lot of information for the children to learn but I feel that some children could have been challenged by extending their learning further. It was also a project in which the children were able to apply their knowledge – thinking about what food they should eat, different food categories and why it is important to eat a balanced healthy diet.”

– Stephanie Sungtong

Students’ Reflections

“My favourite part of the project was fitness video.” – Liam

“I learned about more body organs.” – Noah

“I learned about the skeleton.” – Livi

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