At Gesher, we aim to inspire and prepare our students to become self-advocates, prepared for the world of work, further studies and life. The Careers programme is part of Gesher’s planned curriculum and is designed to provide students with a range of qualifications and skills to lead successful and worthwhile lives when they leave Gesher. As a result of our project-based approach to learning, career links are seamlessly integrated into the curriculum and allow our students an insight into various careers. 

By acknowledging the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, we have built and curated a highly differentiated careers programme tailored to our student’s specific needs and readiness levels to provide relevant, engaging and exciting opportunities that will build upon their career learning, planning and development. This ensures that each child has a meaningful and personalised career pathway created specifically for them.

Our aims: 

Our goal is to ensure that our students develop a broad understanding of the world of work as well as equip them with the necessary skills that will enable them to not only thrive in the workplace but also to prepare them for life. The vision we have for our careers programme has a broad focus. Through embedded curriculum links, 1-1 mentoring sessions, opportunities for shadowing and work experience, specialist speakers and careers workshops, we are striving to build a system that supports our students to feel excited in exploring potential employability opportunities and to feel confident in making informed decisions using the skillset they will build during their time at Gesher.


Get in touch:

If you are an employer and can offer a workplace opportunity for our students, please contact:

For more information regarding our Life Skills Programme, please contact:

What our career journey looks like:


Below you can find further details about the careers journey our students have at Gesher:

You can click on the image to enlarge it.

The Gatsby Benchmarks:


You can click here to enlarge the image.