Gesher School offers a caring and supportive environment that understands children with a range of special educational needs. At Gesher, we provide an education for every child that inspires and motivates them and helps them to achieve academically, meet, and often exceed, targets set for them and thrive. Teachers plan differentiated lessons to support the child’s individual needs and consider their learning styles and interests. Throughout the school day, teachers use a variety of supports, including visual timetables, movement breaks, and social stories. These, alongside specialist teachers, teaching assistants, therapists and equipment, ensure all children have the greatest opportunity to achieve their full potential.

The school day begins at 8.15 am with breakfast club, and lessons begin at 9.00 am. There are three structured sessions daily, with lessons taught on rotation in small groups. Therapy sessions are woven into the day through whole class, small group work and one-to-one sessions depending on the child’s individual needs. Snack and lunch times are structured and supervised, focusing on healthy eating and independence with a range of functional skills. Children are encouraged to join lunchtime clubs that offer extra-curricular learning and an opportunity to socialise with other cohorts. Playtimes are seen as important learning moments. Children can choose from various activities, with adults supporting positive social interactions between peers. The school day will end at 3 pm. (School closes at 1 pm on Fridays during the winter months to observe Shabbat and may close early if there is a religious holiday).

