This term we explored World War I and II and the impact they had on the world. Students delved into the complex history of the World Wars and investigated how these global conflicts shaped the world and influenced their own lives. They explored what it was like to be in the war, looking at society, politics, and culture, both globally and locally, and they created poems about different events using their knowledge of onomatopoeia, similes, alliteration and rhyme. They also explored history and how it impacts us today. Students were also lucky enough to have a visit from The History Man to explore how World War II happened and the path it took across the world, and also got to visit the Battle of Britain Bunker in Uxbridge.

Teacher’s Reflections

“This project was brilliant! We were lucky to be able to incorporate many of the pupil’s interests and family history into this topic. It felt really special to see the pupils engaged and pretty immersed into with this era of history, particularly for those who drew personal links to our learning. A key highlight of this project was creating our war poems. It was great to work in-depth on a piece of writing and focus on one type of writing throughout a whole half term.”

– Jodie Sampson

“I think the project went really well considering we had to change it last minute due to the current war. I think the highlight of the project was the feedback and critique session we had across the two classes, they really seemed to enjoy all the different ways of giving feedback and it created high-quality work. Another highlight was the History Man and the trip to the WW2 bunker. What I would do differently next time would be to challenge the Higher Achieving students with looking at different types of poetry and maybe create a second poem using this style.”

– Kathleen McEnallay

Students’ Reflections

“My favourite part of the project was going to the RAF Museum.” – Zak

“My highlight part was the History Man, I learnt more about planes and tanks.” – JJ

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