This week in Tamar we have been celebrating Purim and getting stuck into our new topic ‘Beyond London.’ On Tuesday, we had a special Purim enrichment day, where we participated in a ‘Whodunit’ debate, arguing who the greatest Jewish leader in the Purim story was. We also made hamantaschen and mischloach manot for our peers and completed an escape room style activity, where we had to crack the passcodes by answering questions about the megillah. Tamar class loved it and showcased all their amazing knowledge.
Alongside this we have been continuing to work on measurement and fractions in Math and introduced our ‘Forces’ topic in Science, complete with an experiment on gravity.
In Literacy, we have begun following the Adventures of Abe and Alba, two tiny people who love stories and have escaped from the book. To get them back, we must write them their very own adventure story. Watch this space! We really enjoyed our Purim celebrations.
Chag Sameach!