Tamar class has been learning about Thomas. Edison in Science and Literacy. We learnt that he was a patient and careful inventor who invented the electric lightbulb on his 100th attempt! This showed us that even when things don’t go our way, we mustn’t give up because something amazing could be just around the corner. We learnt about him because our topic in Science this half term is light. We also found out what the difference is between transparent, translucent and opaque – even though they’re tricky words to spell and say! Next time you see us, ask us what the difference is!
Tamar has had great return to school after half term! We have been learning about division in Maths and it turns out we already know quite a bit! In Literacy, we have been writing poems about Bonfire Night and remembering about the good old days when we used to celebrate it and the treats that went with it. We learnt about the Hindu festival, Diwali and how it is a bit similar to Rosh Hashanah because it is their New Year and they also ask for a good and prosperous year to come.
Over the last two weeks, Tamar class have been hard at work learning about our Solar System in Science. We have learned about the Sun which is at the centre of our solar system and the planets which orbit it. In Maths we have been practising addition and our times tables. Our teacher thinks we’re getting pretty good! On Wednesday, we had a special Kodesh day learning about Sukkot and the traditions involved. We had a fun day learning about the History of Sukkot and making crafts.
Chag Sameach Miss Lauren
It has been a busy week for Tamar Class! We have been getting to know our new classmates and new adults. Everyone has settled in beautifully! We have taken advantage of the sunny weather by spending a lot of time outdoors on the playground and exploring in the nearby forest. We introduced “The Solar system”, as our science topic for this half term and enjoyed celebrating World Literacy Day. We also had Rosh Hashana enrichment day which was an inspiring experience for all. We are looking forward to a wonderful term ahead!
Shana Tova, Miss Lauren, Miss Elise and Mr Ben