We have had a really exciting two weeks.

We are consolidated our theme of ‘Life Cycle’ by watching the life cycle of the butterfly right in front of our eyes. We each had a chance to hold the butterflies, giving them words of encouragement to fly into the big wide world. Thank you so much for being so kind and gentle with them.

In Topic, our theme is ‘Humans’, in which we have been looking at the human skeleton and the functions of our bones. We had so much fun creating a human skeleton using paper and split pins. We area also going to be exploring the human organs, veins and mussels.

In Maths, we have been looking at ‘Time’, the children are becoming more confident in telling the time! So far, we have focused on o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and are now focusing on the 5 minutes.

In Literacy, we started looking at and understanding synonyms and antonyms. We have spent the week looking at how they can be used correctly and effectively.

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