We have had a fantastic first 2 weeks of Summer 2 term.
We are consolidating our theme of ‘Life Cycle’ by watching the life cycle of the butterfly right in front of our eyes. Last week, five caterpillars arrived that have now formed into chrysalis, we are eagerly awaiting for them to transform into butterflies.
In the past two weeks we have been looking at the life of Nelson Mandela in his long walk to freedom. The children have been really engaged and interested in learning all about his struggles, triumphs and the legacy that he has left behind. We have linked this to Human Rights and how it is so important to advocate for fairness and equality. Each child came up with an idea and advocated for a cause that they believe in. It was followed by a debate where we could all share our opinions in a safe and educational manner.
In Maths, we have been looking at ‘Time’, the children are becoming more confident in telling the time! So far, we have focused on O clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.
Well done Chitah class for such an awesome start to the term!

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