The last two weeks, we have been busy practising our performance of the Minibeast Bop!
We have been learning our lines, making tickets for our performance, practising their dance moves and making minibeast masks and costumes.
We have invited D’Vash and Gefen to watch in the playground on Friday – watch this space for videos and photos!
In Maths, we have been consolidating our skills from the term and have been working on position and direction, patterns and fractions. It is amazing how much we have matured and grown over the last half term and I can’t believe we are coming up to our final term at the Hope Centre and in Rimon class. I am hoping for a sunny and fun-filled final half term.
Have a great half term!
These past two weeks, we have been wrapping up our farm topic, looking at what jobs farmers do throughout the day. We have explored farming themed non-fiction texts.
We never realised how many jobs they do, so we decided to write thank you letters to local farmers. We identified the features of a written letter and drafted them ready to post! As well as this, we have recapped rhyming words and practised ‘Old Macdonald’. We have been looking at addition and subtraction using new methods, line number lines, and column methods. We have been practising these methods through real-life problems, which has been very fun! We have made some wonderful puppets that we took home of our favourite farmyard animal, the horse.
Well done friends! Have a wonderful half-term.
D’vash class have been keeping busy with lots of lessons and activities this week!
In Maths we have been reviewing shapes and learning all about the properties of shapes. We worked on counting the sides and corners of shapes and how to sort them into different groups.
In Literacy we learnt about farm animal babies and everyone really enjoyed singing the Farmyard Jamboree song to name all of the mother and baby animals. Then we all made our own chart to match mother and baby animals and wrote labels or a sentence about them.
I have been so impressed this week by the children’s improving play skills with their friends, everyone is doing a brilliant job at being kind and sharing together with all of the toys we have in D’vash class and in the playground.
Have a wonderful half-term!
We are continuing with our topic of “Living things” and every pupil is fully engaged with the subject of life cycles – our butterflies have now formed the chrysalis and we are eagerly monitoring them before the transformation into the final stage!
The classroom is evidence to all the hard work we have completed with lots of great work on display.
We will also be planting our tomatoes outside now they have been nurtured and watered in class.
The class are enjoying this term’s book “Holes” and it has prompted some very interesting conversations around the subject of rules vs laws. This is a topic we have explored further in our PHSE/circle time sessions with Miss. Danielle.
I am particularly pleased with the progress made by the class in Maths and how they have grasped key geometrical concepts such as angles, calculating area and translation of shapes. We will be looking at practical applications for these skills over the next few weeks.
Last week our P.E. session had to be moved inside due to the poor weather. However, this provided us with the opportunity to have an indoor table tennis competition, which was hugely successful and enjoyable for all. Everyone participated very well, and some important lessons were learned about turn taking and how to accept defeat graciously!
Good work Tamar!
It has been a fantastic week in Chitah class!
In Maths, we are still learning all the different rules and tricks when it comes to addition and subtraction. I have seen the children’s confidence grow and great enthusiasm as they become more familiar with the mathematical concepts! While some children have continued practicing their rote counting and matching numbers with their qualities using concrete objects.
In Literacy, some of the children have learned all about Riddles! They created really exciting and interesting animal riddles which their classmates had a chance to guess each other’s riddles. We also looked the story of Ronald the Rhino and created a comic using speech bubbles to recreate our own story based on the characters.
We have introduced Roald Dahl, some of the class will be exploring imagination and storytelling. While other children are looking at the animals and characters and story of Mrs Wishy Washy.
We are still awaiting the live caterpillar where we will continue looking at Life Cycles focusing on the Butterfly! We are all looking so forward to it!
It has been another brilliant, busy week in D’vash class!
The children have been learning all about measurement in our Maths lessons. We have measured the weight of lots of our classroom things, using balance scales and real scales. Now we are working on measuring length, using cubes and rulers. We have also been talking all about comparing things by their size, length, height and weight.
Everyone has been really enjoying our Kodesh lessons and whole class therapy sessions. We had great fun at our Shavuot Enrichment Day this week, especially all of the messy play activities and making our own cheesecakes. We have been practicing our acting skills in Matt and Molly with Miss Ashleigh and working hard on our fine motor skills in sessions with Miss Claire and Miss Liv.
Over the last two weeks, Rimon have been busy classifying and exploring. We have all been completing Bug Books exploring and describing the features and scientific names of key minibeasts.
In Maths, we have been working on directional language to describe movements and turns. We have been instructing Beebots and the robot on A.L.E.X app to turn right, left, clockwise, anticlockwise, forwards and backwards. It’s been tricky but we have got our heads around it!
We have made some wonderful Minibeast mobiles in Art and explored the microhabitats of insects in our local area. We are definitely mad about Minibeasts!
We are also busy preparing for Shavuot and loved our enrichment day on Wednesday, where we baked, made beautiful flower crafts to decorate our homes and recalled the Story of Ruth.
In Literacy, we explored the story ‘The Littlest Mountain,’ and discussed the significance of Mount Sinai.
Four weeks down this term and the flower seedlings are slowly thriving with hopes still that they will bloom very soon!
With Springtime upon us, more insects have been coming out which ties in nicely with our topic of Living Things!
This week we explored different types of endangered animals and how we can use conservation practices to help them.
In Maths we have continued our progress into different types of shapes such as regular and irregular Polygons, exploring the angles and how to identify each of the different types of angles.
We are all very much looking forward to extending our knowledge within Jewish Studies in the lead up to the festival of Shavuot in three weeks time!
It has been a busy and exciting week!
In Maths, we have been learning all about the different rules and tricks when it comes to addition and subtraction. Some children are working
on single digits numbers whilst others are focusing on two-digit numbers.
Consolidation and repetition continue to be of high importance for our children in developing their academic skill sets. It has been a pleasure to see all their determination and hard work!
We have been doing cross-curricula learning in Literacy and Topic. The children have looked at David Attenborough’s Adventures, discovering
and learning all about animals on planet earth. We have been looking at the world maps and identifying the seven continents in which Attenborough travelled to. The children expressed that they cannot wait to be able to travel again (post-Covid) and where they would like to go!
Everyone is busy working on their adventure story which has been really creative and so exciting!!
Last week we learnt all about ‘Knights and Castles’. We focused on constructive play which was explored through a historical and fairy-tale context. The children made castles, shields and swords from cardboard boxes.
Well done Chitah class for all participating and being such fantastic knights!
This week in Rimon we have been mad about Minibeasts!
We have observed them in the forest, sorted them by their characteristics and written Fact Files.
We have been reading lots of bug-themed books, preparing to write our very own bug book next week.
In Maths, we have been looking at measurement, practicing using rulers and metre sticks to measure small and larger lengths.
We have been consolidating this skills by comparing, ordering and answering addition and subtraction questions.
We are very excited to end our week with a Lag B’Omer activity!